Posts Tagged ‘Bailout’

Household Equity Lowest Since 1952

June 13, 2009

You must read this article from Tim Cavanaugh with

Our national average for equity in single family homes is 20.4%.

There is no room for refinancing home mortgages on the large scale we saw in the past. That is unless prices appreciate quickly.

Make sure to read the commentary on social engineering detailing the costs and benefits of encouraging more home ownership.

Here are some more charts illustrating home equity as a percentage of GDP.

Travis J. Bohling
Brewer Caldwell Property Management
480-212-7041 (Direct Line)
480-212-7042 (Fax)

$15,000 Tax Credit

June 11, 2009

Check out this article from Joe Weisenthal.

Apparently Johnny Isaacson and Christopher Dodd are proposing to increase the housing credit to $15,000.

Travis J. Bohling
Brewer Caldwell Property Management
480-212-7041 (Direct Line)
480-212-7042 (Fax)

Law Protects Renters From Foreclosure

June 5, 2009

MSNBC had a news story from the AP today about a new law being signed by President Obama. The law allows tenants to stay in a home for up to 90 days after a foreclosure auction. They are also entitled to stay in the home for free. Read the whole article here.

There are some missing facts in this article. Is it an Executive Order? What is the name of the law? Was there a vote in congress? Does this only apply to Fannie and Freddie loans? I am unsure on these questions but will update everyone with any new facts I can find.

Travis J. Bohling
Brewer Caldwell Property Management
480-212-7041 (Direct Line)
480-212-7042 (Fax)

Free Government Money

June 4, 2009

The truth is often funnier than fiction.

Travis J. Bohling
Brewer Caldwell Property Management
480-212-7041 (Direct Line)
480-212-7042 (Fax)

Brewer Caldwell in the New York Times

June 3, 2009

The New York Times came and visited our office last week. They were here to report on the state of the housing industry in Maricopa County.

Read the complete article here. There are at least 3 auctions a day in Phoenix and a lot of great deals. These low prices will not last forever. Brewer Caldwell can help you find great deals on foreclosed homes. Call me today for info or listings.

Travis J. Bohling
Brewer Caldwell Property Management
480-212-7041 (Direct Line)
480-212-7042 (Fax)